We are a Chilliwack-based community of people apprenticing under Jesus supported by Broadway MB Church. We believe that the Kingdom of God is arriving in and through everyone who follows Jesus, and that that movement is best fostered in community. With that in mind, we strive to provide a space for people to meet, develop meaningful relationship, study scripture, ask questions, worship freely, laugh often, eat together, take bold steps of faith, make sense of our struggles, be vulnerable, serve the community around us and just have some good old fashioned fun too. We don’t have a fancy polished program or dazzling production value at our events, but we do our best to bring people together to genuinely pursue Jesus’ way of life. BYA is a safe place to be far from perfect. We typically meet on Thursday nights at Cedar & Moss Café, and we have other events too like worship nights and dinner parties all of which you can find out about here. If you’d like to get connected or hear some more, feel free to drop by or shoot us a message.

Our Staff Team


Zack Melhus, Youth & YA Pastor

Zack has been on staff here for the past 7 years. His passion is to see people encounter and embrace the abundant, purposeful, and lasting life Jesus came to bring the world.

He is responsible for the general leadership of our vision and direction and helps facilitate apprenticeship to Jesus by planning our events and inviting discussions.

Zack is proud to call Chilliwack home, and spends a lot of his spare time around the local mountains, rivers and lakes, often with a book, a camera, or a coffee in hand. And as the coffee stains on his books bear witness - sometimes all three.